Despues de tantos años aqui tenemos lo nuevo de BURZUM, no espereis gran cosa, eso si, dejando el ambient con sintetizadores... vuelve al black primitivo de sus inicios. No lo he escuchado entero, pero vamos comparados con los discos anteriores... la puta caña. Pa putos locos y fans del conde.
BURZUM (NOR): "BELUS" (LP 2010)POSTDATA... MIRAR ESTO.. (para quien controle un poco el ingles, lo entendera)
Interesting facts:
Abbath of
Immortal (Nor) was the person whom introduced Varg to the Metal world.
Grishnackh contributed lyrics for the Darkthrone albums "Transilvanian Hunger" and "Panzerfaust".
AiwarikiaR (Eric Oliver Lancelot), the former
Ulver drummer, was intended to be the drummer of Burzum during the short period that Varg was thinking about making live performances. Fenriz from
Darkthrone and Hellhammer from
Mayhem (Nor), were also auditioned - the latter was in fact announced as the band''s new drummer on flyers in the interim between s/t and Aske.
At one point, before the murder of Euronymous, Varg was thinking about signing to Earache Records to release his fourth album and Earache did want to try having a Black Metal act on their line-up. Though, Earache hesitated to sign him because of his highly racist views (and also the fact that at that time, Earache were a Death/Grindcore Metal label and not Black Metal) and Varg was arrested a year later.
A compilation released by Misanthropy Records in 1998 called "Presumed Guilty" contains the Burzum song "Et Hvitt Lys Over Skogen", which appears on "Anthology".